Wednesday, March 08, 2006

The "Blink" theory of dating?

ALDaily linked this morning to a Washington Post article about the seemingly random reasons people have for dumping people. I was about to stop reading when, near the end of the Taquito story, the guy mentioned mayonnaise. Specifically, how much he hates mayonnaise, which he describes (accurately) as "the most repulsive thing in the world."

I still think the guy may have some kind of issue, what with all his fluidy-food hangups, but the mayo thing is right on. While reading further, I couldn't help thinking about the weirdest, most random reasons I've ever broken up with somebody (or just stopped calling.) The only thing that leaps immediately to mind is one girl who expressed an uncomfortable enthusiasm for Sting on a first (and only) date. Of course, I once told a girl that I liked Billy Joel, and that was before our first date. I'm not sure which I'm more embarrassed by now.

If I think of any other interesting, random reasons I've had for breaking things off with a woman, I might list them (and welcome contributions in the comment,) but what surprised me about this article was that it didn't link these obvious cognitive short cuts in relationships to the trendy Malcolm Gladwell Blink thesis, that "snap" decisions can often be as good or better than more deliberate decisions. Gladwell even has a section on speed dating.

Arguably, more deliberation on relationship issues doesn't just produce diminishing returns, it actually makes decisions worse. I've thought myself into some really dumb choices. Still, it's a thin line between snap evidence of incompatibility and snap evidence of stimulating difference. It's a cliche, but who hasn't been turned on by mutual intransigence? If you haven't, you're missing something.

Anyway, Gladwell points out some of the problems with blink thinking and the Taquito Moment has problems too. They do, however, probably leave us with the comfort of certainty we might not get with more circumspect decisions.


Blogger Mrs.Minch said...

This was a cute little article, and it reminded me how incredibly happy I am that I have Mr. Minch and I no longer have to date. ;)

As to any of my random reasons for breaking things off with a man, I'm hard-pressed to think of any. That's the thing about guys, or at least the guys I dated, you never need a random reason to dump them. They give you so many concrete, perfectly sensible ones. The guy who is so jealous and possessive, he doesn’t like you hugging your male friends. The guy who is a closeted homosexual, and may or may not even be aware of it yet. The guy who wants to live with you, in separate bedrooms.

There was this guy in college that I didn’t really date, per se, but made-out with once or twice, only to repeatedly blow him off a few weeks/months later when he continued to pursue me. (Totally uncool of me, I know.) I’m really trying to remember why he didn’t make the cut, but I’m drawing a blank. Nothing in particular, there was just no spark.

Oh, wait, I tell a lie! I did dump a guy because he was too young for me and we had virtually nothing in common, short of having the hots for each other. But, in retrospect, I think I can mark the beginning of the end from the day I came over to his house and he was watching Dumb and Dumber … and laughing … hysterically. He was definitely much less attractive after that.

3:51 PM  

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