Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Leiter, Felix Leiter

How in the hell does James Bond know Felix Leiter when he sees him?

Between them, American Movie Classics and Spike have been showing a lot of James Bond movies recently. Being my father's son, whenever I notice a Bond movie showing, I'll watch at least fifteen minutes of it.

For some reason, the Felix Leiter character is starting to annoy me. It seems like in every movie in which Leiter appears, he is initially seen wandering around aimlessly (or suspiciously following Bond) until 007 spots him and says "Felix!" out loud like they're the Odd Couple, rather than secret agents. Of course, the reason for this is that the audience needs Bond to introduce us to Leiter over and over again because nobody knows what he looks like from one movie to the next. Unlike Bond, Leiter never gets to introduce himself.

Leiter's been played by everybody from Jack Lord (in Dr. No) to Bernie Casey (in Never Say Never Again) and those are just the most memorable ones. In Goldfinger, Leiter looks more like an encyclopedia salesman than a CIA agent. The same guy played Leiter in Live and Let Die and License to Kill, but it doesn't help a bit, because over fifteen years had passed in between and they'd switched Bonds. You'd think Leiter would ask Timothy Dalton's Bond how the hell he stays so young.

I guess one of the reasons this irritates me is that I like Leiter in the books and it would've been nice to see him turned into a real character in the movies. He didn't even make it into The Man with the Golden Gun, which is probably his best appearance in the books.

Now that they're remaking Casino Royale (or making it for real if you prefer) they should cast somebody decent as Leiter. I'd also appreciate an accounting of just how much the CIA has paid out on all the plastic surgery Leiter's had over the years.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Experiment aborted

For the first couple weeks of 2006, I kept meaning to post about something (the Alito hearings, my decision to quit Greencine, the Administration's wire tapping orders, the Golden Globes, etc.) Then approaching the end of the third week, I thought it might be more interesting to not post at all in January. Not only would that make a powerful statement about the blogosphere (that millions of other blogs are making as well; it's like a movement) but it would allow me to learn whether blogger would put up an archive link for a month that has no posts in it.

However, I've got something that's just too important to share with the world and must abandon the "no posting" project.

Everyone has heard about the William Shatner DVD Club by now. Of course, I joined as soon as I heard about it (January 10th, to be exact.) I figured, there's at least an hour and a half each month that would be better spent watching a movie chosen for me by William Shatner than doing whatever I would be doing otherwise.

I was a little troubled by the fact that I hadn't seen my initial free DVD in the mail yet, despite having joined nearly two weeks ago. Well, what should I receive today but an email from the General Manager of the Club informing me that due to the overwhelming response of the last couple of weeks, they ran short of DVDs. Mine should be going in the mail tomorrow and to compensate me for the delay they are sending me (get this) another free DVD with my initial delivery!

Shatner is awesome. Expect regular reviews of the movies from the William Shatner DVD club collection here.