Thursday, February 16, 2006

Supreme Court Justiceship - 4 times harder than love

SCOTUSblog has this post on Justice Sam Alito's formal investiture ceremony, which took place this afternoon. The ceremony, Lyle Denniston notes, was four minutes long.

As Tavares informed us years ago, it only takes a minute to fall in love. This means that becoming a Supreme Court justice requires four times the amount of time that falling in love does, and with the simple assumption that effort/time is constant across both activities, that means that it is four times as hard to become a Supreme Court Justice as it is to fall in love.

Of course, per Too Short in "I Want to Be Free (and that's the truth)," "it only takes a second to pop the trunk," presumably to retrieve a firearm of some sort given the context. That means falling in love is sixty times harder (no wonder Too Short never does it) and becoming a justice is 240 times harder than opening an automobile trunk to shoot someone.


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