Friday, July 01, 2005

Rehnquist to stay on?

Reading evidence of the justices' retirement intentions is turning into an exercise like figuring out what the Fed is going to do from Alan Greenspan's choice of shoe leather, but here's a tidbit from the SCNB indicating that the Chief may stick it out for another term. I have to admit, Rehnquist staying on makes a bit of sense to me, as this term has been something of a disappointment to conservatives and probably to Rehnquist himself. If he can add a reliable vote to the conservative bloc for next term, he might be able to go out with a winning season.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, Mr. Arkadin, does the total lack of comments indicate that the fellow readers of this fine blog have met"accidents?" Thanks for pointing the URL out to me, I'd forgotten to ask about it when I got back.


2:55 AM  

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