Thursday, March 17, 2005

Happy St. Lep's Day, ha ha ha ha HA!

In honor of St. Patrick's Day, a holiday with which I have no useful association (other than having once been arrested on March 17th) I offer a message from the Leprechaun, aka Warwick Davis (see the link above). I got Davis' autograph on a picture of the Lep some years ago, passing up all those pictures of Wicket and Willow for the good stuff.

Davis has a busy release schedule right now. In addition to playing several characters (so it seems) in the Harry Potter series, he's Marvin the Paranoid Android in the upcoming Hitchhiker's movie and has a project in preproduction (according to the IMDb) called Agent One-Half. Sounds like it might be fun.

Of course, I'm anxious for the next Leprechaun movie and would love to see Lep take on another horror villain, a la Freddy v Jason. In fact, Davis posts a rumor about such a matchup on his FAQ page. Since these things tend to be driven by ownership of the necessary properties, it seems more likely that Lep would be matched against some other horror villain Lions Gate (who produced the last Leprechaun movie) has some relationship with, like the guy from Saw or that clown from House of 1000 Corpses.


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