Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Call Him Mr. Shatner

Somebody gets it. Fametracker finally perform an audit on William Shatner, recognizing the genius I only hinted at in my review of Bill's new album. Here's a taste of Fametracker's amazingly on-target audit:
Shatner is so damned awesome, so abundantly unexpected, so fucking necessary, he's practically Biblical. It would be an insult to Shatner to compare him to some other celebrity and suggest they are equivalents. There's only one other celebrity who comes to mind as being even one iota as cool as Shatner, in the way that Shatner is cool, and that's Leslie Nielsen. And the only way that Leslie Nielsen could ever be even remotely as cool as Shatner is if he'd spent the first half of his career flying around the cosmos banging space broads on Styrofoam rocks.

In defense of Nielsen, there is Forbidden Planet.


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