Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Return of the short post

I've still got several posts languishing, half-composed and now suffering from lack of timeliness. Although Jacques Derrida will probably remain dead, I'm not sure I really need to post something about it, even if I started the post weeks ago. I bought Brian Wilson's Smile shortly after it came out and started writing a review, then left it sitting long enough that I was inspired to co-review it with the new William Shatner album Has Been, if only so the post would seem more up-to-date, but I haven't gotten past revising the title.

I'm still gonna do that, though.

I just spotted this article in the NYT about Naomi Foner Gyllenhaal, award-winning screenwriter and recent name changee. She says she didn't just adopt her husband's last name after several decades in the entertainment industry because her children, Jake and Maggie, are famous. Yeah.

What bothers me, though, is that her brother is Eric Foner, Professor of History at Columbia and a must-read author for anyone who wishes to understand late 19th-century America. Does this detail warrant a mention in the article? Why no...


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