Monday, November 01, 2004

In Praise of Kate - Updated

I hadn't planned to take a couple of weeks off from the blog. In fact, I have several posts in various stages of incompleteness, none of which have been even glanced at since early this month. While teaching and research have had a particular hold on me in the last few weeks, the blog has also fallen victim to my attention-deficit problem, which usually manifests itself in writing ten or twelve first drafts or parts of papers in a given year while only completing about two or three. I've yet to master the art of the short post.

As a baby step toward that goal, I offer this Guardian article about the spectacular Kate Winslet. Although she has a film coming out soon, this article seems fairly unmotivated, which is fine since I don't see the need to justify an article about how great Winslet is. In fact, I really have nothing to add, as I'd second any of the laudatory observations made in this piece.

So Kate, gimme a call when you're in town. Heck, bring Sam Mendes; it'll give me a chance to kick his ass.


Somehow, Kate was on Saturday Night Live this weekend and I didn't know about it. Thank God for the obsessives on the internet, who have already posted pictures and more pictures. I'll have to monitor the rerun schedule.


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